Question: Since it's been confirmed that as a general rule/ policy in policing, an officer cannot intrude upon a person's home without a warrant...
Did the Cambridge Police act 'stupidly' simply because of what seemed like a violation of rights?
...or because they may have violated the rights of the 'top Black intellectual in America", a professor, and friend of the President, the first Black President...
My point is, this kind off thing happens every day to Blacks in every city in the USA! Now the police are acting stupidly?! The more I think about it, the more disturbed I am by the comments. Hey Barack, are you going to call every police department stupid every time they do the same thing to one of us 'common negroes'?...
Man, just stick to health care and Iran ...
Did the Cambridge Police act 'stupidly' simply because of what seemed like a violation of rights?
...or because they may have violated the rights of the 'top Black intellectual in America", a professor, and friend of the President, the first Black President...
My point is, this kind off thing happens every day to Blacks in every city in the USA! Now the police are acting stupidly?! The more I think about it, the more disturbed I am by the comments. Hey Barack, are you going to call every police department stupid every time they do the same thing to one of us 'common negroes'?...
Man, just stick to health care and Iran ...
Miss Mya
My thing is this: He's saying what we, the common black folk have been saying (for quite some time now). I guess it's out of order or wrong or something for him to have an opinion and share it?!?!?!? Unfortunately, either way he is gonna pay for it; 1) He was distracted from the game plan which was supposed to be pushing the healthcare reform vote – which definitely will not meet the deadline he proposed; 2) Now, people are reconsidering if they should have voted for a black man (or glad they didn’t) 'cuz now he's gonna make me feel "guilty" for what my ancestors did….Aw man he really is just another angry black man!!! Not sure if he should have to pay for it though, but that’s what comes with being the President of the Free World!
I mean, President Obama isn’t the type of dude that just lets whatever come out of his mouth. When press conferences are scheduled like this, they already know who's gonna ask the questions and his advisors more than likely briefed him on that question possibly coming up even though it had nothing to with the subject matter of press conference. After all that, he still chose to say what he said not out of anger or spite but I believe to get a message across that this type of behavior is an epidemic that is long-overdue for a resolution.
I mean, President Obama isn’t the type of dude that just lets whatever come out of his mouth. When press conferences are scheduled like this, they already know who's gonna ask the questions and his advisors more than likely briefed him on that question possibly coming up even though it had nothing to with the subject matter of press conference. After all that, he still chose to say what he said not out of anger or spite but I believe to get a message across that this type of behavior is an epidemic that is long-overdue for a resolution.
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