Miss Mya
"The Cambridge police acted stupidly in arresting somebody when there was already proof that they were in their own home," ….These comments from the President are said to be out of line, too harsh and unnecessary. Really…Do the masses understand or know what racial profiling feels like and or look like? Let’s start by defining what racial profiling is, from Wikipedia: “Racial profiling is the inclusion of racial or ethnic characteristics in determining whether a person is considered likely to commit a particular type of crime or an illegal act or to behave in a "predictable" manner. Different from Offender Profiling which looks the nature of the offense, how the crime was committed, possible mental abnormalities and other personality characteristics. Hmmmmm….the Offender Profiling seems to dig a little deeper than ONLY racial and/or ethnic characteristics. If the Boston Police had used Offender Profiling instead maybe they wouldn’t have as “stupidly” as they did.
My own personal opinion, I think the line of questioning toward President was a set-up in the first place. The press knew about his friendship with Professor Gates and more than likely had an inclination he would be biased toward the situation. The press conference was supposed to drive support for health care reform and the last comments that are made concern the unnecessary arrest of Henry Louis Gates. It seems as though the press was just trying to get Obama off his game since he seems so “cool like that”, never hostile or agitated, says all the right stuff at the right time, for the most part. Unfortunately, he fell for it, said his piece to then be criticized for having an opinion and sharing it when asked.
Now for these idiotic police officers, what could these fools have been thinking? After the confirmation it was Gates’ residence, what else could there have been to “investigate”? I know police officers have to stay in control as the authoritative figure protecting and serving the public. A lot of times that disciplinary tone sounds like outright disrespect, yet you really can’t do or say anything because they are “the law”. No matter what words were exchanged, how much their ego was shattered, etc, note this: there were at least three officers on this call arresting a notable Boston resident who were not able to protect and serve the public who was truly in need. Who knows what kinds of crime(s) were going on while they arresting an innocent man at his own home. Seems like the officers were putting the public in more danger than Henry Louis Gates….
Mr. Hines
I hear you Mya, but we need to understand a few important facts. First, the president generally keeps comments pertaining to local situations such as this to himself, particularly this early in the game. He prefaced his statements with the fact that not all is known about the occurrence. He also said he wasn't there and couldn't be sure. Most importantly, he admitted he was a friend of Mr. Gates, and "I might be biased...". The reason why his next choice was to comment further using the word stupidly is beyond me. My jaw was on the floor, as I'm sure were the jaws of his senior advisor David Axelrod and his staff.
My worse fears are manifesting themselves now through this turn of events. I wrote about this during the election, as I pondered the psycho-social effect the election results would have on society. The reality is, the President of the United States, the Leader of the Free World, is a Black man. Easily, the most recognizable man in the world now. The indescribable irony is that if he were driving a car in the neighborhood where I grew up, and all that was noticeable was his brown skinned head, he would be profile stopped just as if he were as 'insignificant' as me. The police, upon walking up to the car to inform him they are looking for a suspect for a shooting that occurred 5 miles away, or to ask him what gang he is a member of, might blurt out something like "Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you were somebody else!...". Yeah, perhaps any other of the 'qualifying' Black people to profile.
I'm not police bashing here. I'm trying to point out a phenomenon. Maybe one that even the president himself is not aware of. He is arguably the only Black man that should be immune from the plight that every other Black man in the world might suffer, and yet he himself incredibly isn't! Maybe he needs to read this so he can reason before he speaks. I don't care if you're Barack Obama, Oprah, Bill Cosby, Michael Jordan, or Nelson Mandela! In places urban or rural, USA, get 'caught' driving with the wrong color skin, and it's a guarantee, if your recognizable face isn't visible, (and it isn't necessarily to police from their vantage point, as they are most like to only be able to make an identification of your color), you might as well be...guilty.
Finally, when dealing with the police, you have to remember...they are report driven. Despite what really happened, the report the officer files is going to be the official account of the incident. For example, if an officer violently throws you to the ground, jumps on top of you, drives his knee into your back, wrenches your arm back and cuffs you, the report might read something like this..."I, officer Doe, badge #******, assisted subject to the ground. Employing approved departmental techniques, I then prevented subject from injuring me or himself, I next proceeded to place him in restraints for his safety and mine."
Get the picture? YOU CAN'T WIN! I've spent better than 15 years of my adult life learning that lesson. Mr. Gates was in his house it was reported. He was innocent of any crime. If he was asked for his ID, he should have just shown it and complied with any other directives given by Cambridge Police. As 'right' as Mr. Gates was, he made the mistake most of the public makes when dealing with law enforcement. Justice is wielded in the courts, not on the streets. If you feel the police are in violation of your civil rights, get badge numbers and names. Seek witnesses and write things down so you can remember the sequence of events, but for heaven sakes, don't try to win at their game. They are the Lakers out there and you're a last place wheel chair high school basketball team.
This will blow over, I assume, but not without a bit of scrutiny on Presidents Obama's haste and choice of words. Him being Black isn't the issue. It's just not customary for a president to have a public opinion about such things in the moment, especially when, as he stated, "I might be biased"!
"The Cambridge police acted stupidly in arresting somebody when there was already proof that they were in their own home," ….These comments from the President are said to be out of line, too harsh and unnecessary. Really…Do the masses understand or know what racial profiling feels like and or look like? Let’s start by defining what racial profiling is, from Wikipedia: “Racial profiling is the inclusion of racial or ethnic characteristics in determining whether a person is considered likely to commit a particular type of crime or an illegal act or to behave in a "predictable" manner. Different from Offender Profiling which looks the nature of the offense, how the crime was committed, possible mental abnormalities and other personality characteristics. Hmmmmm….the Offender Profiling seems to dig a little deeper than ONLY racial and/or ethnic characteristics. If the Boston Police had used Offender Profiling instead maybe they wouldn’t have as “stupidly” as they did.
My own personal opinion, I think the line of questioning toward President was a set-up in the first place. The press knew about his friendship with Professor Gates and more than likely had an inclination he would be biased toward the situation. The press conference was supposed to drive support for health care reform and the last comments that are made concern the unnecessary arrest of Henry Louis Gates. It seems as though the press was just trying to get Obama off his game since he seems so “cool like that”, never hostile or agitated, says all the right stuff at the right time, for the most part. Unfortunately, he fell for it, said his piece to then be criticized for having an opinion and sharing it when asked.
Now for these idiotic police officers, what could these fools have been thinking? After the confirmation it was Gates’ residence, what else could there have been to “investigate”? I know police officers have to stay in control as the authoritative figure protecting and serving the public. A lot of times that disciplinary tone sounds like outright disrespect, yet you really can’t do or say anything because they are “the law”. No matter what words were exchanged, how much their ego was shattered, etc, note this: there were at least three officers on this call arresting a notable Boston resident who were not able to protect and serve the public who was truly in need. Who knows what kinds of crime(s) were going on while they arresting an innocent man at his own home. Seems like the officers were putting the public in more danger than Henry Louis Gates….
Mr. Hines
I hear you Mya, but we need to understand a few important facts. First, the president generally keeps comments pertaining to local situations such as this to himself, particularly this early in the game. He prefaced his statements with the fact that not all is known about the occurrence. He also said he wasn't there and couldn't be sure. Most importantly, he admitted he was a friend of Mr. Gates, and "I might be biased...". The reason why his next choice was to comment further using the word stupidly is beyond me. My jaw was on the floor, as I'm sure were the jaws of his senior advisor David Axelrod and his staff.
My worse fears are manifesting themselves now through this turn of events. I wrote about this during the election, as I pondered the psycho-social effect the election results would have on society. The reality is, the President of the United States, the Leader of the Free World, is a Black man. Easily, the most recognizable man in the world now. The indescribable irony is that if he were driving a car in the neighborhood where I grew up, and all that was noticeable was his brown skinned head, he would be profile stopped just as if he were as 'insignificant' as me. The police, upon walking up to the car to inform him they are looking for a suspect for a shooting that occurred 5 miles away, or to ask him what gang he is a member of, might blurt out something like "Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you were somebody else!...". Yeah, perhaps any other of the 'qualifying' Black people to profile.
I'm not police bashing here. I'm trying to point out a phenomenon. Maybe one that even the president himself is not aware of. He is arguably the only Black man that should be immune from the plight that every other Black man in the world might suffer, and yet he himself incredibly isn't! Maybe he needs to read this so he can reason before he speaks. I don't care if you're Barack Obama, Oprah, Bill Cosby, Michael Jordan, or Nelson Mandela! In places urban or rural, USA, get 'caught' driving with the wrong color skin, and it's a guarantee, if your recognizable face isn't visible, (and it isn't necessarily to police from their vantage point, as they are most like to only be able to make an identification of your color), you might as well be...guilty.
Finally, when dealing with the police, you have to remember...they are report driven. Despite what really happened, the report the officer files is going to be the official account of the incident. For example, if an officer violently throws you to the ground, jumps on top of you, drives his knee into your back, wrenches your arm back and cuffs you, the report might read something like this..."I, officer Doe, badge #******, assisted subject to the ground. Employing approved departmental techniques, I then prevented subject from injuring me or himself, I next proceeded to place him in restraints for his safety and mine."
Get the picture? YOU CAN'T WIN! I've spent better than 15 years of my adult life learning that lesson. Mr. Gates was in his house it was reported. He was innocent of any crime. If he was asked for his ID, he should have just shown it and complied with any other directives given by Cambridge Police. As 'right' as Mr. Gates was, he made the mistake most of the public makes when dealing with law enforcement. Justice is wielded in the courts, not on the streets. If you feel the police are in violation of your civil rights, get badge numbers and names. Seek witnesses and write things down so you can remember the sequence of events, but for heaven sakes, don't try to win at their game. They are the Lakers out there and you're a last place wheel chair high school basketball team.
This will blow over, I assume, but not without a bit of scrutiny on Presidents Obama's haste and choice of words. Him being Black isn't the issue. It's just not customary for a president to have a public opinion about such things in the moment, especially when, as he stated, "I might be biased"!
Really, a last place wheel chair high school basketball team! Wow I guess you haven't seen any wheelchair basketball lately huh! There are some very competitve teams high school and otherwise! Check some games out next time before using them as a last place reference! Oh I forgot Chez you're not too into being politically correct are you!
ReplyDeleteLove, Peace, and BLESSINGS!